
Local McDonald's owner-operators, Essig Family McDonald's, hosted a fundraiser in support of the Second Harvest Community Food Bank’s Backpack Buddies program

St. Joesph, MO-  Local McDonald's owner-operators, Essig Family McDonald's, hosted a fundraiser Thursday, April 18th from 5:00 – 8:00p in support of the Second Harvest Community Food Bank’s Backpack Buddies program! That evening, 10% of all sales from their six St. Joseph area McDonald’s restaurants were donated to the Backpack Buddies program!  

Essig Family McDonald’s partners with the St. Joseph School District and Missouri Western State University Athletic Departments to help raise awareness and funds for the Second Harvest Backpack Buddies program. Each Friday during the school year, the program provides a student in need with a backpack containing food to ensure they have breakfast, lunch, and snacks over the weekend with each backpack costing nearly $200 annually.  
During the event on April 18th, each St. Joseph McDonald’s had a different school onsite to visit with guests, bus tables and collect tips at the drive thru for Backpack Buddies! The location and school that raise the most donations for Second Harvest will be named as the “2024 Coaches Challenge” winner. 

You can see the full story HERE.